If you need to get in touch with our Technical support team, please follow the instructions below:
- Select the following link - Contact Technical Support
- A program to contact our Technical Support team will be downloaded automatically
- When downloading is finished, open the program in the usual way (double-click the left mouse button). Launch the program directly from the box encircled in red above or from the folder where your browser stores downloaded items by default
- When you start the program, a window to enable the startup of the program may pop up. Please select "Run"
- Click on "Run" to start the remote control application
- When a member of our Support team tries to contact you, you will see a new window pop up on your screen with a message asking for permission to access your desktop. Please click on the button “Allow” to permit this
- When finished with the task assigned to the Technical Support team and the connection to your desktop is terminated, a new icon called “"SC PACS Support" will be created on your desktop. Please double-click on this icon, should you need any technical support from us in the future